A message from Pamela...

“I began my connection with the spirit world at an early age and quite unexpectedly.

 "My quest to be more connected to the spirit world, and to myself, led me to Rosita Arvigo’s home in the Belizean jungle. Surrounded by mountains, an array of medicinal plants, howler monkeys, blue-eyed spiders, and more, I felt at home.

"Here, I experienced and witnessed profound transformation while learning the practices of Maya Abdominal Therapy and Maya Spiritual bathing.

"Later on, I experienced Cranio-Sacral therapy (CST) and was impressed with the spiritual and physical results and their lasting effects. I began my studies with Upledger instructor, Dan Springer, and completed the second level of CST training.

“For 5 years, I lived on the south Caribbean of Costa Rica, surrounded by much of the same jungle life where my studies began, and shared the gifts I’ve received with the community around me.”

“I am Spirit led! Connect with me to discover my latest destination. Most assuredly, it will be near nature.”


Pamela is a Maya Abdominal Practitioner, registered through the Arvigo Institute, and has studied with Dr. Rosita Arvigo and other gifted Maya teachers. Her studies include completion of Advanced Spiritual Healing training in Belize with Dr. Arvigo and other spiritual healers, and she incorporates these teachings throughout her healing practice.

In addition to Maya Abdominal therapy, offering spiritual baths and guidance, Pamela is certified in Cranio-Sacral Therapy,Thai massage, and Reiki.

Pamela creates her own tinctures from sacred herbs harvested in Belize and weaves this medicine through her work.

A cacao facilitator, Pamela also shares the medicine of cacao. This cacao is 100% raw and imported from the jungles of Costa Rica.

She completed her RYT yoga training at Corepower Yoga and taught for several years in while living in Minneapolis and Costa Rica.

Pamela is an IV certified registered nurse and has worked in pediatric ICU, cardiovascular critical care, and post-anesthesia care. 

From helping heal hundreds of physical bodies, I have learned healing spirit is key to our overall health and ability to lead passionate, healthy, happy lives. I'd love to assist YOU in becoming your own healer and illuminate from the inside out!

connect with directly pamela